Top 10 of the Greatest Super Hero Drinks Ever
By Top Shelf Pours |
8. The Superman Cocktail
I think most of us would agree that superman is incredibly overpowered (OP), but he is also a well dressed classy gentleman from the late 30’s with a taste for the dramatic. Let’s be honest, if Superman can get shot with a nuclear bomb in space and simply dust himself off before going into the bar, he can probably drink gallons of straight liquor before he gets a buzz. So what does he reach for when its time to drink? Something sexy and classy that looks dope in a martini glass.
• 1/3 oz. Peach Schnapps
• 1/3 oz. Coconut Rum
• 1/3 oz. Triple Sec
• 1 splash Grenadine
• Fill with Pineapple Juice
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7. The Spider-man Drink
There are few super heroes with worse luck than old Spidey. So what does Peter Park drink when he is feeling down in the dumps? Honestly, it is probably whatever Aunt May has gathering dust in her liquor cabinet above the fridge. Luckily, even Aunt May went through a serious tequila phase. Mix together liquers and tequila for an extra special webbing for your brain.
• 1 oz. Cherry Liqueur
• 1 oz. Raspberry Liqueur
• 2 oz. Tequila
• Quarter packet of Pop Rocks

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