All posts tagged "Sprite"
Top Shelf Pours | January 31, 2016
Orgasmic Berry Cocktail
The Orgasmic Berry Cocktail is a layered drink that includes Sour Berry, Pineapple Juice, Raspberry Vodka, Ice, Hpnotic...
Top Shelf Pours | January 31, 2016
Namaste Cocktail
The Namaste Cocktail is an amazing citrus cocktail made up of: Pineapple, Pineapple Vodka, Midori, Pineapple Juice, Sprite...
Top Shelf Pours | January 31, 2016
Grateful Dead Cocktail
The Grateful Dead Cocktail has a unique look. When prepared properly it’s mixed and layered with different shades...
Top Shelf Pours | January 29, 2016
Boo Berry Ball Cocktail
The Boo Berry Ball Cocktail is a delicious drink that includes Blueberry Vodka or Rum, Viniq Shimmery Liqueur,...