Orgasmic Berry Cocktail The Orgasmic Berry Cocktail is a layered drink that includes Sour Berry, Pineapple Juice, Raspberry Vodka, Ice, Hpnotic and Sprite. 2 1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Sour Berry 1 oz (30ml) Pineapple Juice 1 oz (30ml) Raspberry Vodka 2 oz (60ml) Hpnotiq Sprite Ice


Orgasmic Berry Cocktail

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The Orgasmic Berry Cocktail is a layered drink that includes Sour Berry, Pineapple Juice, Raspberry Vodka, Ice, Hpnotic and Sprite.
Instructions: Shake sour berry, raspberry vodka and pineapple juice and pour into glass then layer Hpnotiq using a spoon the layer sprite on top.

Red Layer:

1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Sour Berry
1 oz (30ml) Pineapple Juice
1 oz (30ml) Raspberry Vodka

Shake with ice

Blue Layer:

2 oz (60ml) Hpnotiq


Instagram Photo Credit: @morenabar1996


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