M&M Delight Cocktail The M&M Delight Cocktail is a freaking sexy drink, but it's also delicious! This cocktail is made from M&M's, Irish Cream, Vanilla Vodka, Butterscotch Schnapps, and Vanilla Ice Cream. For the final touch you need to decorate the inside of your glass with chocolate syrup and then top with whipped cream. 2 1 oz. (30ml) Irish Cream 1 oz. (30ml) Vanilla Vodka 1 oz. (30ml) Butterscotch Schnapps Vanilla Ice Cream M&M Candy Whipped Cream

Ice Cream

M&M Delight Cocktail

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The M&M Delight Cocktail is a freaking sexy drink, but it’s also delicious! This cocktail is made from M&M’s, Irish Cream, Vanilla Vodka, Butterscotch Schnapps, and Vanilla Ice Cream. For the final touch you need to decorate the inside of your glass with chocolate syrup and then top with whipped cream.


1 oz. (30ml) Irish Cream
1 oz. (30ml) Vanilla Vodka
1 oz. (30ml) Butterscotch Schnapps
Vanilla Ice Cream
M&M Candy
Whipped Cream

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