Great White Shark Week Cocktail The Great White Shark Week Cocktail is an oceanic beverage that will pack a complete alcoholic punch while still delivering on a delicious flavor. 2 Shark Shaped Gummies 1/2 oz. (15ml) UV Raspberry 1/2 oz. (15ml) Hypnotic Smirnoff Ice Green Apple Splash of Blue Curacao Lemon Lime Soda Orange Slices

Blue Curacao

Great White Shark Week Cocktail

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Shark Week is no longer just an awesome period of quality programming. The Great White Shark Week Cocktail is an oceanic beverage that will pack a complete alcoholic punch while still delivering on a delicious flavor. Make sure to include those giant blue shark gummies if you want the full deep blue experience.

Shark Shaped Gummies
1/2 oz. (15ml) UV Raspberry
1/2 oz. (15ml) Hypnotic
Smirnoff Ice Green Apple
Splash of Blue Curacao
Splash of Lemon Lime Soda
Orange Slices

Instagram Photo Credit: Tipsy Bartender

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