10. Nerds Sour Candy Cocktail
So what is a Nerds Sour Candy Cocktail? One word sums this drink up pretty well: Scrumdiddlyumptious. It is a real word according to Urban Dictionary, google it. But seriously, this drink is pretty damn tasty. It mixes the sweet and sour world of Nerds with the sensually intoxicating effects of alcohol. Also it has a pretty dope green coloring to it.
Yellow Layer:
Mango Mix
Smirnoff Lime Vodka
Nerds Candy (Yellow Lightning Lemon)
Green Layer:
Margarita Mix
Smirnoff Sours Green Apple Vodka
Midori Liqueur
Nerds Green (Amped Apple)
4 or 5 drops of Neon Green Food Coloring
9. Cotton Candy Shots
Check out these amazing Cotton Candy Shots! Our absolutely delectable Cotton Candy Shots are made with Cake Vodka, Cream, Cotton Candy, Grenadine, and Blue Curacao!
1 1/2 oz (45ml) Cake Vodka
1 1/2 oz (45ml) Cream
Cotton Candy
Dash of Grenadine for Pink
Dash of Blue Curacao for Blue